Nikolay Gromov, Head of the Department of Environmental Engineering Problems of Novosibirsk State Technical University , NETI , together with a team of scientists from the Institute of Catalysis named after G. K. Boreskov SB RAS proposed an eco-friendly solution for wastewater treatment using photocatalysis. In addition to environmental friendliness and efficiency, this method is quite economical compared to analogs, as the developers emphasize. Among the potential users are, first of all, enterprises in the transport and chemical industries, the technological process of which involves the formation of wastewater with organic impurities.
The Moscow International Rating "Three Missions of the University" is a rating, the founder of which is the Russian Union of Rectors, the operator is the Association of Rating Compilers (ASR). The members of the association are leading rating and research centers (Expert RA, VCIOM, Reputation, etc.).