List of the most important scientific projects, developments and other results:
The research group was the first in the USSR to develop the models and methods of the energy modes control of integral units and hydro-power plants on the basis of ACS OP (automated control systems of operating procedure). Theoretical methods, algorithms and calculation programs have been developed and implemented at ACS OP of the Krasnoyarskaya, Sayano-Shushenskaya, Votkinskaya and other power plants. Numerous publications include 4 books. Algorithms and programs for optimization of integral plant units have been developed .
The research group was the first in the USSR to develop the automation method of technical and economic planning in power systems. Principles, methods and algorithms of technical and economic planning within the framework of the ACS OP (automated control system of operating procedure) were implemented in several power systems in Novosibirskaya and Kemerovskaya Oblast, Krasnoyarskiy Krai, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.
The most significant scientific and applied results include:
The results of scientific research have been reported at conferences, seminars, symposia, congresses, which include the International Scientific Conference "Current Problems in Power Engineering" (Poland, Gdansk, 2003); the International Symposium KORUS (2004); International Forum IFOST (2007, 2013, 2016); all-Russian Scientific Conference "Science. Technology. Innovations" ( Novosibirsk, 2003, 2006); all-Russian Scientific-Technical Conference "Energy: ecology, reliability, safety" ( Tomsk, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2013); all-Russian Scientific-Technical Conference "Electrical Power Engineering through the Eyes of Youth" (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016); the Joint Symposium "Energy of Russia in the 21st century: Eastern Vector as the Development Strategy" ( Irkutsk, 2010); the International Conference International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) (2014, 2015, 2016); the First Open Russian Statistical Congress (Novosibirsk, 2015).
Russian–Mongolian international seminar "Development of information technologies in power industry" has been operating within the framework of the research group, its co-organizer being Rusina A. G., Doctor of Technical Sciences.
More than 300 scientific articles have been published in leading Russian and foreign journals, including "Applied Mechanics and Materials", "Vestnik IGEU", "Hydrotechnical Construction", "Chief Power Engineer", "Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR", "Proceedings of the higher educational institutions. Energy Sector Problems". "Journal of Applied Physics", "Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University", "Scientific Problems of Transport of Siberia and the Far East", "Scientific Bulletin of NSTU", "Industrial Power Engineering", "Proceedings of the SibNIIE", "Power Plants", "Electricity", "Enegetik".
The significant results have been obtained in the development of models and methods for water-energy regulation by the hydro-power plants. Special attention has been paid to the complex use of hydro-power power plants water resources. The results of the work have been used in the development of the regulations for energy resources use at Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk hydro-power plants.
The technique and calculation tools for planning production schedules have been developed and implemented at Novosibirsk energy system (2006). The results of the work have been registered in the research report: The method of forecasting the load curve of Novosibirskaya Oblast power system : research report / NSTU; research supervisor T. A. Filippova. – Novosibirsk, 2007. – 181 P. – No. 01.2007 07839.
The research group have developed the frameworks and models of targeted flow distribution and power loss in power systems conditioned by the commercial demand of the electricity market. Certain results were implemented in the Central dispatching administration of the Unified Energy System of the USSR (1985-1990) and Federal Power Company of Unified Energy System – Main Electric Networks of the Centeral Regions (2003-2004). This work continues now. Within the framework of strategic development program of Novosibirsk State Technical University the research group has updated the theory and methods to solve the problems of targeted electricity flow tracing and capacity in the planning of the EPS energy balances and normal modes (the research reports: The development, improvement and algorithmization principles of targeted calculations of electric power systems normal modes : research report / executed.: A. G. Rusina, A. Yu. Arestova, Ya A. Frolova, A. V. Romanov, E. A. Sovban, D. Kh. Khoudzhasaidov, P.A. Akul'shina ; research supervisor A. G. Rusina. - Novosibirsk, 2015. - 140 p. - No. GR 115042970038). The results of the work are included in the textbook "Accuracy of Electricity Flow Distribution", published jointly with the L. A. Melent'yev Institute of Energy Systems SB RAS.
- The diploma of the winner in the nomination "The Best Educational Publication in Engineering Sciences"
- I Degree Diploma in the nomination "Best Publication in Technical Sciences."
- Diploma of winner in the competition of scientific session of the NSTU "The Best Textbook or Tutorial"
Completed 37 theses, 4 of them are for the Doctor of Sciences scientific degree