6 projects were carried out within the Federal Targeted Program «Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia», 1 project was carried out within analytical special-purpose program «Development of scientific potential of higher education» of the Federal Agency for education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2 projects were performed within project part of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and 2 projects were supported by The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
The staff of the research group has published more than 100 articles in leading Russian and foreign scientific journals, including: «Automation and Remote Control», «Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing», «Voprosy Kibernetiki», «Astrakhan Technical State University Journal. Series: Control and Computer Science», «Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology Journal», «Tomsk State University Journal. Control and Computer Science», «Computational Technologies», «Proceedings of the Russian Higher School Academy of Sciences», «Proceedings of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences», «Industrial laboratory. Diagnostics of materials», «Measurement Techniques», «Metrology», «Methods of Quality Management», «Reliability and Quality Control», Science Bulletin of NSTU», «Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics», «Quality Technology & Quantitative Management», «Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods», «Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation», «Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation».
The most significant scientific and applied results include:
- software system under the name of ISW, which serves as a basis for studies of the properties, power, and statistical distributions of different groups of criteria under violation of standard assumptions, which allows for correct use of related criteria in non-standard conditions of specific applications: http://ami.nstu.ru/~headrd/ISW.htm
- software system for statistical analysis of lifetime-type data LiTiS which allows to carry out statistical analysis of data within tasks of durability and survivability analysis under censored data and to build models of accelerated tests, proportional hazards models and degradation reliability models.
Software system LiTiS was awarded Gold Medal at the International exhibition «INVENTICA—2013» (Iasi, Romania). 7 Certificates of state registration for computer programs were received.
Studies of the research group were supported by 3 grants from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and 4 grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 6 projects were carried out within the Federal Targeted Program «Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia», 1 project within analytical special-purpose program «Development of scientific potential of higher education» of the Federal Agency for education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2 projects within project part of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and 2 projects were supported by The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
Standardization guidelines were developed and published:
- Р 50.1.033-2001. Standardization guidelines. Applied statistics. Rules of compliance check between experimental and theoretical distributions. Part I. Chi-squared criteria types. - M.: Standards Publishing House. 2002. - 87 p.
- Р 50.1.037-2002. Standardization guidelines. Applied statistics. Rules of compliance check between experimental and theoretical distributions. Part II. Non-parametric criteria. - M.: Standards Publishing House. 2002. - 64 p.
The staff of the research group has published more than 100 articles in leading Russian and foreign scientific journals, including: «Automation and Remote Control», «Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing», «Voprosy Kibernetiki», «Astrakhan Technical State University Journal. Series: Control and Computer Science», «Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology Journal», «Tomsk State University Journal. Control and Computer Science», «Computational Technologies», «Proceedings of the Russian Higher School Academy of Sciences», «Proceedings of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences», «Industrial laboratory. Diagnostics of materials», «Measurement Techniques», «Metrology», «Methods of Quality Management», «Reliability and Quality Control», Science Bulletin of NSTU», «Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics», «Quality Technology & Quantitative Management», «Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods», «Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation», «Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation».
Studies of Lemeshko B. Yu., Postovalov S. N., Chimitova E. V. and other members of the scientific school have received international recognition. In 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 the research group organized 4 international seminars on «Applied Methods of Statistical Analysis». Starting from 2017, the workshop proceedings are being indexed in the SCOPUS scientific database (http://www.amsa.conf.nstu.ru/amsa2017/proceedings.php).