List of the most important scientific projects, developments and other results: the stochastic nature
- RFBR project No. 13-07-00299 "Adaptive estimation of the regression models using semiparametric methods". The project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the state task №2014/138, No. 1689 "The development of computer modeling systems and technologies in the study of stochastic nature objects".
- The project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the state task №8.1274.2011 "The development of computer modeling software systems and technology; the research of statistical and probabilistic regularities; and the possibility of using classical apparatus of applied mathematical statistics in conditions of standard assumptions violations".
- The project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation RNP "Methods of static and dynamic multi-factor stochastic nature objects modeling", Analytical Industrial Goal-Oriented Program "Scientific potential development of higher school (2006-2008)".
- Project MK-5385.2016.6, supported by the Grants Council for the Russian Federation President "Mechanisms to stimulate the demand for higher technical education in Russia."
- RFBR project No. 14-07-31171 "Building sustainable and adaptive algorithms for the estimation of structural relationships models".
- RFBR project No. 18-31-00283 "Active parametric identification of stochastic continuous-discrete systems on the basis of experiment planning in the presence of anomalous observations."
The staff of the research group published more than 200 articles in the leading scientific journals in Russia and abroad, including journals:
- "Automation and Computer Engineering",
- "Autometry",
- "Voprosy Kybernetiki",
- "Computer Technology"
- "Proceedings of the Russian Higher School Academy of Sciences",
- "Informatics and Its Applications",
- "Siberian Journal of Industrial Mathematics",
- "Information Management systems",
- "Applied Econometrics",
- "Applied Informatics",
- "Statistics",
- "Information Technologies and Computing Systems",
- "Scientific Bulletin of NSTU",
- "Control Sciences",
- "Physical-technical Problems of Minerals Development",
- "Economics and Mathematical Methods",
- "Electronics",
- "Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics",
- "Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing".