Students of Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI) are developing a system for analyzing the operating modes of the heating network using machine learning methods that will predict emergencies and technical accidents on heating networks.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) is working on the use of recycled plastic for the production of building composites.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) and the Territorial Administration of Highways of the Novosibirsk Region have launched a project to develop software for creating digital models of highways. The project will be implemented in two phases and completed in 2026.
Nikolai Obidin, a student at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at Novosibirsk State Technical University, created a crack detection system that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze images and video from surveillance cameras. The development will avoid the risk of accidents and economic losses.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) has created equipment for growing artificial blood vessels. The unique device allows you to create elastic tubular formations for surgical operations by electroforming.
Students Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI) presented an electric canvas leveling system. Designed for packaging enterprises, the development is characterized by ease of construction, assembly and low cost. In addition, the canvas leveling system is able to replace foreign equipment.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI) is working on the creation of an intelligent assistant based on artificial intelligence to control electrical networks.
Young scientists Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) has developed utilities for the domestic Astra Linux OS for the first time. The programs will automate the collection of digital evidence of cyber attacks as part of cybersecurity.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI) is developing a program for calculating and designing electrical networks based on the use of evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence methods.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI) has launched a project dedicated to studying the problem of fish nutrition when breeding them in artificial conditions. Research will help to understand what changes occur in the intestines of fish during the transition from one type of food to another, and in the future to develop the optimal type of nutrition for fish farming.