Tuition fee information for all majors
Profile: Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Automation
Major: 27.04.04 Control in Technical Systems
Profile: Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Automation
Duration: 2 years
Start: September 1
Admission: open
Language : Russian
Entrance tests:
- Computer Science
- Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Modern automated production control systems are complex hardware and software complexes that integrate elements of automatic control, automated control at the levels of processes and enterprises. Such systems include a variety of hardware with different levels of “intellectualization” and related software that ensure their qualitative functioning and interface with humans.
Promising today are systems that allow not only to control complex objects in real time, but also solve more complex problems: from forecasting to predictive diagnostics. The complexity of these systems requires not only competence in the field of “classical” approaches to automatic and automated control, but also new knowledge related to efficient and quality processing of large volumes of production data and optimization of production processes. The solution of such problems in the world science and practice is associated with the application of systems and methods of artificial intelligence in the control of automatic and automated systems.
The mission of the educational program is to train specialists capable of modeling, development, modernization of automatic and automated control systems of technological processes and systems for various industries using artificial intelligence methods. In response to the requirements of modern production, the program forms competencies in the field of application of artificial intelligence to control complex objects and processes. A significant part of it is aimed at forming competences in the field of development and operation of hardware and software complexes for realization of automatic and automated control functions. In addition, the program considers various methods and means of increasing the energy efficiency of such systems.
- Artificial intelligence systems
- Automated production databases
- Electromagnetic compatibility of electronic devices
- Energy saving in technological processes
- History and methodology of management science and technology
- Manufacturing processes of automated production
- Mathematical modeling of objects and control systems
- Mechatronic devices and systems
- Microprocessor control systems in technological processes and transport complexes
- Models and methods of artificial intelligence
- Modern complete electric drives
- Modern issues of management theory
- Patenting
- Programming of industrial controllers
- Renewable energy sources
- Research and methodology seminar
- Secondary power sources in automation devices
- Admission starts on June 20
- Admission stops on July 10
- The documents are sent to the university in electronic form through the NSTU Enrolee Personal Account. When submitting an application for admission in electronic form, the documents attached to it are submitted (sent) to the NSTU admission committee in the form of their electronic images (paper documents converted into electronic form by scanning or photographing with the provision of machine-readable recognition of its details)